Just 5 minutes a day to healing your Inner Child

5 Days Live Whatsapp & zoom class

Find the root cause of your current life burning issues in less than 5 days

Date: 19 to 23 July 2021

Original Value: Rs.1999 | Limited Time Offer

Original Value: Rs.999 | Limited Time Offer

Original Value: Rs.1999 | Limited Time Offer

Hosted by

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“Nneihaa Maam has been such a loving Mentor I have ever met. I love the way she has made us aware of all the areas where we never thought existed. She has explained to us in such a simple manner about what is Inner Child wounds, emotional addiction, the most damaging negative patterns, the right sequence of healing and the consequences of not following the right sequence, etc. has built in me a lot confidence that I finally found the right person and solution to becoming the best version of me.”

Velory Irungbam

Here’s How you are going to master Inner Child Healing Challenge in 5 Days

Day 1: What is Inner Child? – How to get connected to our inner child and resolve any issues we face in our present life.
Day 2: How To Make Your Inner Child Feel Safe? – How making your inner child feel safe can bring you so much more clarity to achieve your dreams easily.

Day 3: Power of Healing Your Inner Child- How to tap into your own power that you had lost long back due to disconcerting with yourself.

Day 4: Power of Gratitude – How to get every situation to bend on your side no matter what. (it’s quite deeper than what you think)

Day 5: Power Of Emotional Literacy – How to activate your emotions so you can finally live a fulfilling life.

  • Stop misery instantly with ease in just 5 days without getting overwhelmed so that you can live fully
  • Learn simple tools to change your mental patterns instantly without spending a fortune
  • Map out one simple step with expert advice that you can take immediately to change your life forever without waiting anymore

Original Value: Rs.1999 | Limited Time Offer

Original Value: Rs.1999 | Limited Time Offer


A Step-by-Step Guide with the 100% implementable daily actions to increase your happiness index without trying too hard worth Rs. 2199/-

Manifestation-Guaranteed-Practice-Guide – A powerful guide with step by step action plan to get your desires manifested from day 1 without spending hours of time and tons of money worth Rs. 4597/-

Power Pack Money Manifestation Secrets – 10x your abundance without feeling burnt out Rs. 4597/-

TransFUNmation-Daily-Success-Journal – A specifically designed daily success journal with step by step action plan to track your progress with ease and effortlessness so you stay aligned and motivated to take the right actions on a daily basis without feeling frustrated or lost.  Rs. 5547/-

Grand prize a laser coaching session worth Rs.10,000/-

Original Value: Rs.1999 | Limited Time Offer

Original Value: Rs.1999 | Limited Time Offer

Yep! It really works…

Original Value: Rs.1999 | Limited Time Offer

Original Value: Rs.1999 | Limited Time Offer

Meet your Coach, Nneihaa Vvikas

With the host of the Zee TV Couples Interview Show

 Winning Mrs India 2019

My Weight Loss Transformation

Nneihaa Vvikas is an international transformational coach, for ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ workshops and a business coach.

Nneihaa is passionate about helping men and women worldwide to heal their lives and relationships (with themselves and/or others), flourish financially (in their career and/or business), and being healthier in mind, body, and soul with fast, easy, and effective applicable tools.

She did her training and certification in Australia and got her license from the USA to globally present her work.

Finding her zone of genius by combining a strong metaphysical background, which includes advanced healing modalities, with creative vision, Nneihaa works at the intersection of mind and matter, giving her clients everything from practical research-driven systems and strategies to create original and intuitive solutions.

Apart from this in February 2019, Nneihaa won the title of Mrs. India 2019. She has been featured on zee TV for her exceptional life story and has been fortunate enough to write articles in Hindustan Times, DNA, and many more to share her unique story of recovering from multiple autoimmune diseases like vitiligo and osteoarthritis and being overweight for over a decade and losing weight, her success story of being bedridden to wheel chaired and then walking the ramp and winning it inspires millions if not billions to take charge of their life and turn it around.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer one on one sessions?
Yes, I do. However, this workshop does not include one on one services. If you require one on one services get in touch with my team on and they will share further information with you.

What if I require more support?
You can always raise a request via email at

What if the timing doesn’t suit me?
You can do it at your convenient time. For the duration of 5 days, you will receive a link to a video at 7 am every day that will explain each step of the process. There are 3 FB Lives and 2 Zoom Master Class at 5 pm in the evening. You will get a chance to interact with me and clear all the doubts on laser calls from 5 pm to 6 pm.

What if I don’t understand anything and feel lost?
My team will assist you if you need any help regarding the program. You will be taken care of and will be guided by my wonderful team if needed. You will also get a chance to ask your questions during the live session and on the email.

Will this much time for learning the techniques be enough?
The program is designed to make you aware of the root cause of your issues in simple ways. The time for the same will surely be enough for you and all the participants.

Is this a live session or recorded?
Videos are recorded, Evening Session is Live.

Will this work in all the different areas of life?
Yes, it will work in all the major areas like relationship, health, abundance, mindset, and many more.

Will we have recordings available?
The recordings are available for a limited time on Facebook and YouTube.

Will anyone else have access to what we share in the community?
No, the community is private and is only for the members to have access to the community.

Every person’s need may be different, What if it does not work for me?
The course is designed in such a way that it caters to the common needs of the maximum number of people possible.

I would like to keep my sharing confidential. How is that possible?
Yes, that is possible. For that, you can send mail to

Till when are the recordings available?
Recordings are available till the end of the challenge week.

I am an introvert and cannot ask questions in a group setting. How will I benefit?
Don’t worry, I will take all the common problems of most of the people. For anything specific you can send mail to

The program may not work for me. Is there a Money Back Policy?
Yes, we have a money-back guarantee for up to a limited time.

Are there any side effects of the emotional upheaval?
No, there are not.

Is this program Ok for children below 18 years?
Yes, it is absolutely fine for people of all age groups above 13.

Are there men and women both in the program?
Yes, there are both genders in the program.

Thanks for taking the time to read this page.

You can see, right now, you’re getting this 5-Day WhatsApp Class together with a chance to win prizes worth Rs.30,000/- (only if you register before July 15th, 2021) for just Rs.99/- which is less than what you would pay for a Pizza.

Once you make the investment, you will be added to a WhatsApp group within 24 hours.

Enjoy it.

Like I said at the beginning….

This will be a game-changer for you if you want to take charge of your life now.

Nneihaa Vvikas

P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:

If you want to master the game of life, you need to know the best tactics to do that like a legendary sports player.

Today, you get everything you need to create your dream life with the Inner Child Healing Challenge — at ONLY Rs.99 right now.

Click below to claim your bundle now.

Original Value: Rs.1999 | Limited Time Offer

Original Value: Rs.1999 | Limited Time Offer

All rights reserved | Nneihaa Vvikas | 2021